Now is the time for watching
In this strange new world I find myself in, here in my home, New Zealand. I am drawing in a breath and taking a big sigh and just watching. It takes patience and courage to watch, wait and wonder what will happen next. I am not sure how much patience I will need in the coming weeks. What will our world be like in 6 months time? What memories will my daughter have of this time?
I think of all the people working so hard to make our country safe and virus free. I send them all my best thoughts and loving wishes that they too have the strength to do their best for us.
Looking out of the window as I write this, I look up to the clouds and wonder how many people are watching the clouds today. We are going through the same journey but because of who we are and our experiences, the journeys are all different.
My grandma loved clouds and I often think of her when I make a conscious effort to take my eyes up to the sky. Her journey began in her early twenties during World War II. She (and most of the people in her generation) learnt the art of patience and finding much courage during that time. She was always well dressed with lipstick and handbag for most occasions. I never heard her raise her voice and many people say, she never said a bad word about anyone. I wish I could ask her about courage and patience, sadly she died last week, aged 98. Her strong courageous legacy lives on in my caring mother, patient thoughtful sister, loving niece and easy going daughter.
I know I am one of the lucky ones. I have a warm, well ventilated home, food in the cupboard and my family is with me. All of my family; my husband, my child, my dog, my 3 cats and my 7 chickens! We are doing our bit and staying home, enjoying the garden and taking pleasure from simple household tasks. I hold on to the pieces of courage and patience that my grandma gave to me and honour her while watching clouds and wait for our world to begin again.