Learning by experiencing the natural world that surrounds us everyday.
Discovery Through Nature is a social enterprise company, created in 2014. Developed by local scientists and educators to allow school aged children (and their teachers and parents) to learn out of the classroom, to spend time in nature to wonder and explore. Learning by discovering for themselves and being guided to learn by their own curiosity is the fundamental principal of Discovery Through Nature’s programs.
Key areas of learning include natural sciences, marine and freshwater biology, conservation principals, environmental monitoring, predator control and monitoring and ecological restoration and management; litter monitoring and waste management, recycling and composting; biosecurity and species diversity.
Emma Richardson, Founder and Director
Emma is a creative educator, scientist, author, loves all things salty and is passionate about the sea. She has worked as an educator and scientist, for over 20 years in the marine science and environmental education fields.
Originally, Emma trained as a marine scientist in the UK but escaped the cold water for tropical seas to North America and The Philippines. In The Philippines, Emma supported local people to manage and conserve their own marine reserves. Now living in New Zealand, she has worked as a senior marine and environmental science lecturer and researcher at the Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.
Over the last 8 years, her focus has been to promote science and environmental awareness to school aged students. She is committed to supporting teachers and students to experience the natural world and create authentic science learning around the Bay of Plenty’s unique ecosystems.
When she is not working, Emma is a dedicated mum and greyhound owner, she will be down the beach with her family or on her yoga mat.